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Is there research to prove the efficacy of Bio-electrode Therapy?


The foundational premise of Bio-electrode Therapy is supported by multiple scientific studies, which are cited throughout the clinical manual. The science of electrophysiology, electrolytes, ion channels, and cell function is well established and proven. Microcurrent therapies (employing external electrical devices) have been used successfully for many years. BeT is simply an innovative application of electrodes to our electrolyte body using its own electrical field, with no external devices needed.


Does this actually heal diseased and injured tissue, or just mask the pain?


Bio-electrode Therapy is highly effective for treating pain, but also appears to balance the electrolytes in the diseased cells and tissues. When the electrolytes and pH are balanced in the injured or diseased tissues, health is restored. Pain relief is generally immediate, but the process of healing may take time and continuous treatments, depending on the nature and severity of the condition.


Can I use Bio-electrode Therapy and still continue with my medications?


It is recommended that you continue with your medications until your physician suggests otherwise. There are no known contraindications when using Bio-electrode Therapy correctly.


Can this therapy work fast?


Yes! Bio-electrode Therapy relieves pain and symptoms remarkably quickly. We are electrical beings, and the response to treatment is based on an unimpeded electrical microcurrent flow and stimulation of cells and tissues. Patients routinely report immediate relief of pain and symptoms.


Is there a concern about toxicity of copper or silver?


The use of silver for medical purposes (and adornment) has been around for thousands of years with no apparent health concerns. Copper is an essential element in our body for many physiological and psychological functions. Yet some people have been found to have allergic reactions or skin sensitivity to copper. Of course, too much of any substance, including water, can result in negative health consequences. But with Bio-electrode Therapy, the tiny amounts of copper being applied to points on the skin for limited periods of time mean that any risk is minimal at most.


KEY POINT: Bio-electrode Therapy is a safe approach which harnesses and activates the body’s own healing properties. It is non-invasive, and no external forces or chemicals are added. As such, it is hospitable to a trial-and-error approach.


What if I am pregnant? Can I use this therapy?


Experience to date suggests that BeT is safe during pregnancy. Bio-electrode Therapy is non-invasive and non-toxic, and the amount of current generated by the use of electrodes is in the trillionths of ampere range. This microcurrent is simply harnessing and regulating the body’s own electrical energy to achieve a balance of electrolytes in the cells, tissues and regulate the Qi in the meridians where there was a disruption. Civilization of course has a long history of wearing these metals as ornaments. Some cultures, such as the Chinese and Egyptians, have been using the healing properties of metals for many centuries.


Can this therapy treat cancer?


Bio-electrode Therapy does not make claims to cure cancer. However, it has demonstrated its effectiveness in treating negative symptoms such as neuropathy, nausea, and cancer pain. BeT may also balance the electrolytes in the diseased tissues, and this may assist in cancer recovery. Research is required. European countries are currently treating cancer using bio-electrical currents.


What if I have pain everywhere, as with fibromyalgia? Can this help?


With systemic diseases affecting the entire body, treating all Jing-Well points with the All-Meridians Method will be effective. (To see this method, visit the Free Detox Protocol page.)


Do aluminum electrodes work as well as silver ones?


The short answer is "almost." Aluminum has been successfully used as an effective electrode for many years. However, some patients and practitioners have expressed concerns about the microcurrent stimulation of aluminum and the aluminum ions flowing through their bodies. I share this concern, and therefore recommend silver Ag as an electrode whenever possible. Silver is a safe, non-toxic noble metal that has been used therapeutically for thousands of years. In fact, it makes the perfect electrode, with the highest degree of conductivity. Unlike aluminum, silver and silver ions have anti-microbial properties as well.


What if the pain is only partially relieved?


It is possible that more than one meridian is being affected, and a reassessment of the meridian location in relationship to the pain or disease is required. Ensure also that the electrodes have been correctly placed and the polarity is also correct. Mobilizing the body after treatment will also guide the current through the injured or diseased tissues to improve results.


What if the pain just keeps coming back when the electrodes fall off?


Simply continue the treatment until the pain no longer returns. The pain suggests there remains an electrolyte imbalance at the site of injury or disease, and continuous treatment often resolves this.


Can I just treat all the meridians for any ailment?


The short answer is yes. However, when treating pain, I recommend treating only the meridians that have been identified as being affected by the condition treated. Opioid and other drug withdrawal pain, and many other more systemic diseases (like fibromyalgia, discussed above), will benefit from treating all of the meridians. One can also combine the All-Meridians Method with the some other methods of treatment to enhance the effect. (To see the All-Meridians Method, visit the Free Detox Protocol page.)


Where can I get a good set of meridian charts?


A quality set of large acupuncture meridian charts can be purchased either online or viewed in detail with an online search. This one will be sufficient for most lay people to use when treating themselves.


When using the ink electrodes, how can I keep them on for a longer period?


Adherence is a challenge. Swabbing the skin with alcohol before applying the electrodes will help. The ink electrodes are water-based, and need to be covered with a water-resistant adhesive, like tape or New Skin. The Sakamura Magrain Ion pellets, on the other hand, are the most convenient method of securing the electrodes for longer periods, although their smaller diameter can make them more challenging for people who are untrained in acupuncture. We continue to explore a range of natural resins and techniques to improve adhesiveness. Some individuals cannot keep the electrodes secure due to oily skin, sweating, frequent hand washing, etc. In such cases, I resort to using Tung-style acupuncture.


Do aluminum electrodes work as well as silver ones?


The short answer is "almost." Aluminum has been successfully used as an effective electrode for many years. However, some patients and practitioners have expressed concerns about the microcurrent stimulation of aluminum and the aluminum ions flowing through their bodies. I share this concern, and therefore recommend silver Ag as an electrode whenever possible. Silver is a safe, non-toxic noble metal that has been used therapeutically for thousands of years. In fact, it makes the perfect electrode, with the highest degree of conductivity. Unlike aluminum, silver and silver ions have anti-microbial properties as well.


What is de-ionized water?


De-ionized water has had all of its ions removed, and therefore it has no electrical charge. One can add de-ionized (a.k.a., distilled) water to the electrode inks if they become too thick or dry from evaporation. It can be purchased in most hardware stores.


Can I learn this therapy online in a webinar?


The therapy is easy to learn and administer, and webinars are anticipated in the future. Stay posted.


Are there Bio-electrode Therapy training classes?


​For in-person training, you can contact me by phone, email, or the orange "Let's Chat" button to your right.




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