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Detox Protocol

Addiction sufferers: You can easily learn to use Bio-electrode Therapy to relieve withdrawal distress and specific pains. On this page, you will find instructions for:


1) Obtaining the electrodes and other inexpensive tools

2) Correctly applying the electrodes to yourself 

3) Making an electrolyte beverage to speed healing


First, have a look at the results experienced by someone suffering from heroin withdrawal:

Essential Tools for Administering
Bio-electrode Therapy


There are two types of electrode pairs. Gold and silver-plated electrodes and the copper and silver INK electrodes. Here is where you can obtain the electrodes you prefer to use.

Sakamura Magrain Ion Electrodes (Gold and Silver)

The Magrain Ion Pellets are very convenient as Bio-electrodes. These tiny electrodes are on pre-cut clear adhesive tape for fast, easy application, and will remain secured to the acupuncture points. Thoroughly clean the skin with an alcohol swab prior to securing all the electrodes. Apply a thin topical application of the Westmore SilicONE adhesive over the electrodes. The Magrain Ion electrodes can be purchased on the internet direct from various distributors. 

NOTE: Since these electrodes are much smaller in diameter than those made with ink (see below), more attention to the accurate placement on the acupuncture points is required.  


Silver INK Electrodes

The inks electrodes produce a larger diameter electrode, which makes correct placement easier, will release more silver ions, and when paired with the copper ink electrode, generates about 0.46 V,  providing enough current and electrical fields (Qi )to clear the meridians. SPI Supplies is a company that provides a NO-VOC Silver Ink. It  is a high quality conductive, 100% water-based silver ink, designed for making high-performance electrical contacts. It is suggested that the ink be stirred, not shaken, prior to use. If the ink begins to thicken, de-ionized water may be added to replace water loss or to make slight adjustments for ease of application. It is sold in 0.5 or 1 troy oz. jars with a brush applicator.  I recommend removing the brush applicator and using the stir-stick applicators (see below) or something similar, for a more precise and uniform application. The silver ink electrodes require the topical Westmore SilicONE adhesive or Polyurethane "Tattoo Tape" (see below) to secure the electrodes for long treatment periods, providing continuous acupuncture point stimulation. 


IMPORTANT: The NO VOC silver ink/paint is item 04961-AB. It does not require any special packaging for international shipping.


Structure Probe, Inc.
West Chester, PA 19381-0656 

Phone 1-610-436-5400
Toll Free 1-800-242-4774

Copper INK Electrodes

Safer-Solutions manufactures a high quality biocompataible conductive NO-VOC copper Ink electrode. This electrode ink is designed for making high-performance electrical contacts and when paired with the silver ink electrodes, generates an ideal current and electrical field (Qi ) to clear the meridians. It is suggested that the ink solution be stirred well, not shaken, prior to use. If the paint begins to thicken, deionized water may be added to replace water loss or to make slight adjustments for ease of application. It is sold in 1 troy oz. jars. Use the stir stick applicators (below) or something similar, for a more precise application of a larger ink electrode. The copper ink electrodes  require the Westmore SilicONE or Polyurethane "Tattoo Tape" (see below) to secure the electrodes for long treatment periods of continuous acupuncture point stimulation. 


Safer Solutions Inc. 

Phone: 215-880-6009

536 Carpenter Lane

Philadelphia, PA, 19119

US Sales (

International Sales (


Westmore SilicONE Adhesive and the Polyurethane "Tattoo Tape"

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Transparent waterproof stretch-adhesive bandage, 2 x 36''



The Westmore SilicONE is the strongest silicone adhesives on the market and is simple to use, transparent and fast drying.​​​​​

The copper and silver ink electrodes and the silicone adhesives will be available in 3,ml, 5ml  and 8ml doe-foot bottles for clean, fast and efficient application.

Stir stick applicators are used to stir up the metal ink particles in solution and to apply the electrodes to the acupuncture points. Any similar type of applicators will work fine. Buy online, at a cosmetic store, or at:

Eyeliner Applicators - HollyNorth Production Supplies Ltd.

IMG_3034 (1) BET applicators.JPG.jpg


GOLD and Silver (Pellets)


Important Note:

  • The placement of the gold and silver electrodes is the OPPOSITE to that of the copper and silver electrodes. (below).

COPPER and Silver (Ink)

Important Note:​

  • The placement of the copper and silver electrodes is the OPPOSITE to that of the gold and silver (above).

The following cautions are necessary when using BeT: 

The key factor for success in BeT is the polarity of the microcurrent and the electrical field. If it is reversed, the condition being treated will worsen. Therefore, be very careful to ensure correct polarity when securing electrodes. This is done by ensuring the correct placement of the electrodes as indicated in the protocol illustrations.


  1. When using GOLD and SILVER electrodes, gold is always secured to the Jing-Well points numbered 1, and silver to the higher-numbered Jing-Well points. As a reminder, I personally always use the phrase “Gold  on ones.”

  2. When using COPPER and SILVER, this is reversed: The silver electrodes are always secured to the Jing-Well points numbered 1, and copper secured to the larger numbered points. I use the phrase “Silver   on ones.”

  3. Never use three different metals together when treating patients! This may result in a chaotic or a deviation in the directional flow of energy or electrons in the meridians. 


Remember also that many protocols, such as Tung and Koryo (Korean Hand Therapy), use only silver electrodes.  

See Treatments with copper and silver ink protocols:


An electrolyte-balancing beverage should be encouraged in all therapeutic settings, particularly those in which the patient is malnourished or is extremely debilitated or has suffered blood or fluid loss, or trauma like heart attack. A simple electrolyte beverage may enhance treatment efficacy and further stabilize patient wellness. Coconut juice makes a great (and great-tasting) electrolyte drink, or you can easily make your own using the following recipe.

Homemade electrolyte beverage recipe:

  1. 500 ml (17 oz) water

  2. 3 tablespoons maple syrup (raw honey is an alternative option)

  3. 1 tsp coarse sea salt

  4. Lemon juice, to taste

  5. Lime juice, to taste

Combine all ingredients and stir thoroughly. Drink throughout the day.

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